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The Butterfly Fund

About The Fund

We know that it is very hard for many parents to provide for the needs of their special children, and even harder to find money for "nice to have" extras.  Special toys and equipment are expensive and are not always paid for by insurance, waiver programs, or Medicaid.  But these items can make a huge difference in a child's life and in the lives of the families who want so much to give their children anything that will help them.

We want all special children to have the chance to do as much as they can and to live as normally as possible.  We want families to be able to play and talk with their children in whatever way works best for them.

As a way to honor Jess' memory, we have created this fund to help parents pay for special equipment. We want to give children the chance to fly, just as Jess did.

Using The Fund

What is the fund for?  

To help families buy special toys and equipment that can't be paid for by insurance, a waiver program, or Medicaid.

Who can use the fund?  

Children receiving therapy services from Blank Pediatric Therapy.


How much money will the fund provide?  

Up to $500 per year.  This may be used for more than one small item or to help pay part of the cost of a more expensive item.


How can the money be used?

  • Switches/Comunication Devices

  • Switch Toys

  • Therapeutic Listening Equipment

  • Home Swings

  • Bicycles or Tricycles

  • Positioning Devices

  • Weighted Vests

  • Abdominal Binders

  • Hip Helpers

  • And Many Other Approved Items

How do I apply?  

Talk with your child's therapist.  You can decide together what type of equipment is best for your child and if the fund can help meet your needs.  Your therapist will also help you fill out the application.

What's next?

A committee from the Pediatric Therapy Department will let you know if money from the fund is available for your request and how equipment will be purchased.

About Jess

Jess was a beautiful 5-year-old girl who loved to move and be with people. When Jess was four months old, she got very sick. Because of her illness, she couldn't move, eat, or play by herself. Despite this, she had a big personality and brightness about her that people could see as soon as they met her.  She loved people and loved to play.  She especially loved swinging,

walking, riding her

tricycle, and

"talking" with her

switches.  Jess

couldn't talk with 

her voice, but through her switches we learned so many things about her we would have not known if we hadn't had them.

As her family, Jess was a shining light to us.  We didn't see her diabilities; we saw the love that poured out of her, that touched people who didn't even know her and made them smile.  We saw how much she loved people and how much she wanted to move and be part of life.  Every parent wants the world for their child and we did out best to give her all that we could and to help her do the most that she could.

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