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Support The Butterfly Fund

The impact of The Butterfly Fund would not be possible without the generosity of our donors.  Your support will make it possible for The Butterfly Fund to continue providing assistance to families in our area.  Click on the item below to make a donation.  Thank you for making a difference in the lives of these special children and their families!

I would like to thank you for making it possible for my son to get the special headphones used for his auditory integration therapy.  Jacob has autism and struggles with paying attention and has limited speech.  The headphones have been especially helpful with his attention and focus.  Thank you so much for your generosity.  It is truly appreciated.

- Jacob's Family

I just want to send a note of thanks for setting up The Butterfly Fund in Jess' memory. God has certainly blessed many kids and their families through Jess.  I wish you could see the faces and reactions of the two little girls who got bikes last week because of The Butterfly Fund.

- Blank Children's Hospital Pediatric Therapist

Thank you so much for allowing us to purchase the power switch device and cordless switch for our daughter.  She has already been running the paper shredder.  We're looking forward to doing our Christmas baking together.  She enjoys activating the electric mixer. This will really allow her to control some of her activities at home.

- Mindy

I was deeply touched to know that this special fund exists to support kids with special needs. It brought tears to my eyes to know that kids could have equipment or services that otherwise they might not be able to acquire. We are so thankful that Ben is able to have his braces, as they enhance the quality of his life living with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.  We are so very grateful.  We remember your supportive gift every time we put them on Ben.

- Ben's Parents

Thank you for your generous gift for our son. This last year has been filled with tests and doctor's appointments that we had never expected to experience in the life of one of our children.  Through everything our son has had a positive attitude and willingness to face every challenge presented to him.  He has asked Santa for a Wii Fit Plus so that he could work on developing strength and balance.  We are so thankful that you provided this generous gift that we could place under the tree with a note from Santa.  We have learned that no one is exempt from medical problems, and that we must be thankful for our situation.  You have shown us how important it is to help others who are presented with medical issues with their children.  Thank you for sharing the story behind The Butterfly Fund and showing us how we can touch the lives of others.

- Jane

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